A Deep Malaise

There was a deep malaise upon the ancient land of the Kalaiyyans, which occupied some parts of the later Pandyan dynasty. Students of Dravidian History will recall that the Pandyan Dynasty began in 600 BCE, so the events that will be described in 'The Origin of the Vel' occurred tens of thousands of years beforehand.

The Rulers in all the Kingdoms that encompassed the land of the Kalaiyyans were (according to most Aaiyyanist scholars) Tantrically corrupted, and enforced a tight grip on the people through obtrusive rules and strict edicts on everyday human behaviour. This had the resulting effect of stifling the creativity, spirituality and free will of the populace. The ancient Aaiyyanists refer to the practise of Kuruxaram (or a form of Negative Legality) where laws would be selectively enforced on pure spirited individuals to create a state of pure darkness and negativity in the souls of the collective spirit. This negativity was then amplified into fear in the minds of everyone who was not part of the ruling elite, in order for the people to bow down and accept their subjugation.

At this time, the sworn enemies of the Kalaiyyans was the Aardra Aaiyyanist Kingdom of Eruvaayan. This was a Harita Kingdom that treated all as One with nature. Their form of Aaiyyanism was diametrically opposed to that of the Kalaiyyan's Kuruxaram.

So it was in this arena of corrupted despair and conflict that Aaiyyan was sent down (again) in the form of 'the forest dweller' Murugan. He was not born and incarnated onto this plane of existence but was projected directly into our realm of being from the Loka (dimension) of Natuvuyan. This Loka of Natuvuyan is one of pure energy and Oneness that is close to the direct link with Brahman's essence. Now as all Hindu Aaiyyanist's know, Brahman is in everything and nothing, and surrounds us all and is also separate from us. But, there is a realm (known by Aaiyyanist adepts) that is a fragment of space and time that touches upon Brahman's direct essence. This realm is known by Aaiyyanist as Araaiyyan: 'The Chamber'. This is the central realm of Brahman's essence which houses the 'will' of Brahman - the 'will' that defines and defies the intellect of all beings. It is here (or should I say close to this central realm) that Aaiyyan resided and ultimately projected himself from.